Randy’s Blog

Put on the New!

It’s always interesting to me how people put so much emphasis on particular events. I guess I’m weird because one day is pretty much like any other to me. I wasn’t raised that way, but that’s how I have evolved over the decades. Now I don’t think it’s wrong to celebrate special days at all, if that’s your thing,  They just seem insignificant to me when compared to the importance of living every day to its fullest as you walk with Jesus Christ as the focal point of your life.

One celebration I find particularly intriguing is the way people celebrate the new year. It’s presented like something magical is going to happen as the clock passes from 11:59:59 PM (includes seconds) December 31st to 12:00:00 AM January 1st. Now suddenly all the stuff one second ago doesn’t matter anymore and now in this new second, this new year, everything is going to change and we can celebrate. Well gee, you can celebrate any second of time like that. Is it really a big deal? People would say, “It’s all new now! A new beginning. A new calendar. A new month. A new year. Whoopee!!!” I submit that every second of your life is like that. What really matters is what you do with what is new! See, it even rhymes…what you do with what is new.

The Bible actually has a lot to say about things being new. Let me draw your attention to this portion of Scripture:

Ephesians 4:21-24 NLT  Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from Him,  (22)  throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  (23)  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  (24)  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

Put on the new nature! That is what the Holy Spirit gives you if you turn over the control of your life to Jesus Christ. First He takes your old sinful nature, your former way of life, which by the way is corrupted by lust (all strong desires – not just sexual ones) and deception. Second, He works to renew your thoughts and attitudes. Then He presents you with a new nature, which is created to be like God’s nature, truly righteous and holy. This new nature is given to you to put on. In other words, you have to choose to wear it. God will not force you to wear it. Then it would just be a uniform, something you have to wear because that’s what Christians wear. Instead it is a wardrobe choice. You pick it out and put it on. You see two natures hanging on the rack, your old nature and the new one created by God. You make a decision about which one will look best on you?

As you prepare to decide, ask yourself this question. Did you really like your corrupt former way of life full of lust and deception? Does that look good on you? Now some people will actually come to a place where they miss their old way of life and decide to go back to it. Fortunately most will agree that the new nature looks much better and will choose it. Having made that decision, you now have to put it on. How often? Every new day put on your new nature.

How do you know which nature you are wearing? Well, which one looks like what God wears? Which one displays character and behavior that is truly righteous and holy? The garment you are wearing is evident by your actions. It’s not what you believe that shows which nature you have on, but how you behave.

Let’s look at the fictional hero Superman for example. What does he act like when he’s dressed as Clark Kent? He’s usually portrayed as the shy, bumbling newspaper reporter that has a crush on Lois Lane and disappears when there’s a serious problem. But once he gets into the blue tights, the red shorts and cape, and the big S on his chest, he acts like a powerhouse, a savior, a hero. There’s no comparison between Superman and Clark then. You know Superman is on the scene because of the way he acts and what he’s wearing. Does the outfit make him a super hero? No, he just acts like one when he wears it. Now he could act like Superman when he’s dressed as Clark Kent, but that would give away the secret he’s trying to protect. He doesn’t want people to know he’s really Superman.

Now Superman really does have two different lives. By using Him as an example I’m not saying that we should live that way. Paul actually said in verse 22 above, throw off your former way of life. You don’t need it anymore. It should not attract you or have any importance to you now. Don’t put it back on. And you certainly should not try to keep your new way of life a secret!! Don’t act one way around people “in the real world” and another way around Christians or Church. That’s not a smart way to dress or live! It’s what the Bible calls hypocrisy. This new life we have in Christ is all about being real. Now no one is perfect, but everyone who wears the name of Jesus (every Christian) should want to dress like Him all the time, spiritually speaking.

So remember this, God makes super heroes, so if you have given your life to Him put on your new nature and act like one. Celebrate the new nature He gave you. Put it on every new day. Throw off the old and wear the new. Making that choice will determine the quality of your new calendar year.

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