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Any link that takes you off this site to another site was posted because I believed at the time of the posting that the other site could be beneficial to you.  I can’t continually monitor the content of these websites so you will need to exercise the appropriate Christian wisdom and judgment when evaluating the content presented on them. Some of the opinions or doctrines expressed on those sites may not be the same as mine, but if the overall site appeared to be good to excellent, then I listed it.

Every Christian has to learn to discern as part of their spiritual growth, so don’t accept everything you read as absolute truth until you pray about it, verify it with the Bible and ask for some confirming advice from an older, more experienced believer you trust. If you have any questions or concerns about any site linked from here, please contact me at [email protected]. Be blessed as you discover what wonderful things God has for you. 

– Randy Hartwig

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