Christian Love

Table of Contents

christian loveChristian love must be real. It must be honest and true. The world is full of fake love. Nothing fake belongs in the Church of Jesus Christ. His perfect love must be our example. When we walk in love as believers, we become more like Him and develop awesome relationships with those in our home and in the church. Here’s what Paul the Apostle wrote about love:

Romans 12:9-13 Love must be honest and true. Hate what is evil. Hold on to what is good. (10) Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves. (11) Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. (12) When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. (13) Share with God’s people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes.

Commentary on Each Verse

(9) How can we develop and nurture real love in our lives? Hold on only to the good stuff. You have to let go of everything that is bad. Why? Because the bad things will pollute you. They will drag you down spiritually. Bad thoughts, bad relationships, bad habits, and bad behaviors need to be overcome. Let them go and you will grow!

We are also told to hate evil. Don’t just ignore it, hate it. Hate is a very strong emotion. Channel that emotion against evil, not against others we are commanded to love.

(10) Love deeply. There is nothing shallow about God’s love for you. In fact we are exhorted to comprehend how wide, long, high and deep it is. (Ephesians 3:18-19) As you connect to a greater understanding of His love, you are enabled by the Spirit to love others the same way. So learn to love like God loves. Ask Him to help you do that. He will!

(11) Honor others above yourself and you will see that real love is the result. This is contrary to our selfish “me” based culture, but oh so correct in the Kingdom of God. When you put others first, God will bless you and honor you.

Don’t let your fire go out. The greatest tragedy to come upon a believer is to let the fire in their heart go out. When passion for Christ has cooled, when love dries up, and walking with Jesus is boring – it’s time to repent. Remember, repentance is an action word. It means “turn around”. Stop doing what you’re doing and start doing what God’s Word instructs you to do. Get yourself on fire for God again. Or better yet, don’t let it go out in the first place.

What can help you stay on fire? It’s right there in verse 11 — serve the Lord. When you serve you will burn with passion, love and truth. So don’t stop serving! Be balanced as you serve. Make sure you make time for your family and other responsibilities, but do serve. The very act of serving is putting someone else first – above your own needs. That releases God’s fire into your heart and keeps you burning bright with his love. 

(12) When you hope for something to happen, do your hoping joyfully. Since many situations in our lives take some time “to work together for good” it is important that we wait filled with joy. A heart filled with joy and hope is one that loves easily.

If you find yourself suffering – you must exercise patience. All believers go through some kind of situation that causes suffering from time to time. Hang in there. Take a deep breath and connect with God. Let Him minister to your need. Suffering breaks the hardness in our heart and makes it easier to love..

Be faithful when you pray. Be faithful to God, faithful to the person you are praying for, faithful to the church you attend. Exhibit faith. Speak faith. Receive faith. That will keep your heart overflowing with love for God and others.

(13) Share with God’s people who are in need. Sharing fuels the fire of love. Share! Don’t hoard. Giving is key to successful Christianity.  

Welcome others into your homes. Get involved with other believers. It will keep your faith active and your love flowing. Good, solid relationships with God’s people will help you grow and stay connected to the church. 

Ponder these powerful truths and act upon them. You will see much success as a Christian because your flame of love will never go out.

– Randy Hartwig

(c) 2014 Randy Hartwig Ministries. All rights reserved.

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